Opportunities of a HIGHER & Mystical Kind - "PEACE Talks" Episode 6

There was QUITE a flow of energy in the last 48 hours that is taking the opportunities to create our "heaven on Earth" to mystical levels!

In today's "PEACE Talks," I'm sharing the PRACTICAL ways in which this energy is shifting our realities and if you pay attention, you just might find that previous intentions are cycling back around, yet amplified to meet YOU at the resonance you are NOW!

It's a pretty cool phenomenon that is happening at the moment. I'm sharing how this is showing up personally for me so you can see how realities shift RIGHT in front of our eyes and how we get mystical "hints" the Universe is listening to our intentions!

Notable symptoms you may feel when your reality shifts: Nauseousness, disorientation, feeling like there is a lot of "distance" from whom you were yesterday compared to today...again, all discussed in today's "PEACE Talks!

As always, our platform is FULLY donation-based. If you receive spiritual “food” from this episode, please consider leaving a DONATION in return for that value.



I have launched a NEW SERIES ON YOUTUBE called "PEACE Talks" which has the distinct purpose of helping viewers like YOU to restore PEACE within to create a viral spread of PEACE without. The more YOU become a channel of PEACE, the more our collective and commUNITY unifies into its own energetic grid, globally, leading to a monumental and historic spread of PEACE, harmony and balance.

In an effort to FULLY serve humanity during this time and to support the spread of GLOBAL peace, I am devoting my time, energy, skillsets, and experiential knowledge to "PEACE Talks." I am keeping this platform completely DONATION-BASED, therefore, your continued and generous support is requested.

"PEACE Talks" will be delivered live every Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday at 4pm CEST | 7am PST | 9am CST | 10am EST | 3pm BST on Youtube, then posted here, my blog, and on Unifyd, Instagram, Telegram, & Medium.

If your Soul is nourished by watching, please consider donating to the platform, and SHARE THE LOVE by subscribing & sharing our channel with those you believe would benefit from this series.